Please start by reading our installation guide for e-conomic if something does not work since many features rely on a correct setup!
If you have questions regarding the Visma e-conomic service, please contact Visma at
If you have questions regarding our integration to Visma e-conomic, please read the guides and if the issue is not solved, go to and create a ticket. In order to process your inquiry as quickly as possible, please provide as much as possible from the following information:
- which integration you are using (”e-conomics”)
- your license key
- what version of the plugin you are using and what version of WooCommerce you are using
- domain and IP of your webshop
- any other relevant technical information like php version, database version etc
Avrundning blir fel vid synkning
Inställningar för decimaler Problem Om man använder 0 decimaler i WooCommerce inställningar, kan det leda till problem eftersom man får rundningar som inte motsvaras av det som går över till bokföringssystemet (som bygger upp fakturan själv utan att runda och därmed får en diff). På en vara som kostar 13 SEK ex moms blir momsen…
Läs mer →Såhär installerar du E-conomic
1. In the General section, add the license key that you will receive from us in a separate email (it is still a manual process for us to register the licenses, but it we try to check as often as possible). After that, press Save changes, and then proceed by pressing Login. You will now…
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